Welcome to Pub Trails - YORK
One of the places visited that was so large and interesting that FIVE trails were created for you to try.
York is a walled city in North Yorkshire. The city was founded by the Romans and has been an important part of British history ever since. The city became a major trading and religious centre. Eventually chocolate and railways became the major industries in York, though they have now declined. At present the biggest employers are in service industries.
York is easily reached by road or train and has many attractions for tourists. Cars can easily be parked for a week while attractions, shops, cafes restaurants and bars keep a visitor occupied.
Judged a Sunday Times “Best Place to Live” 2020
Two rivers run through York, the Ouse and the Foss. This pub trail looks at pubs caught between the river Ouse and the city wall on the more substantial side which includes the Shambles and York Minster.
Welcome to Yorkshire National Trust Yorkshire Visit York York Brewery
Train Museum Jorvic Viking centre York Walls
There are five pub crawls illustrated for York involving 39 drinking establishments. Several pubs feature in more than one crawl.
All journeys start from the Minster which is the tallest place in York
1. Around The Minster.
2. In the middle lanes
3. Down Stonegate
4. Around King's Square
5. About Fossgate
Pub Info
Like any city the majority of bars serve food and it can occasionally be difficult to distinguish between a restaurant and bar offering food. A expected such a city has a full range of styles of bars from a few local pubs to some modern shiny venues. With so many pubs there is also a variety of alcohol served in bars; from basic bitter-lager bars to cocktail bars and specialist beer establishments. There are five trails available of about 7-8 pubs, all of which can be expanded in size by ‘borrowing’ from other trails.
All trails will start from the Minster - even the furthest one is not far away as York is a compact city. If this means that occasionally a pub may have to be passed to reach a trail - so be it. Of course, these could just as easy be added to the trail.
A local’s pub guide - Within The Walls
A site worth visiting. It reviews all of the pubs within the city walls taking into account family friendly, price, beers offered, accessibility, outdoor space etc. There are also 7 pub trails to take part including Haunted Pubs, Best for Dogs, best outdoor spaces and The Four Towers Challenge
Below is the map of the town centre trails
1. Around The Minster. (green icons) 8+2 pubs
2. In the middle lanes (Purple icons) 8+1 pubs
3. Down Stonegate (yellow icons) 7+2 pubs
4. Around King's Square (Red icons) 8+2
5. About Fossgate (Blue icons) 9 pubs
Five York trails
Minster to Monkgate
The Lamb & Lion
Eagle & Child
Three legged Mare
The Cross Keys
The Golden Slipper
The Royal Oak
+ The Habit
+ Snickleback Inn
Down Stonegate
House of the Trembling Madness
Evil Eye
Ye Olde Starre Inn
+ Bobo Lobo
Yorkshire Terrier
The Punchbowl
Lendall Cellars
Middle Lanes
Thirteen Thirty One
The Slug & Lettuce
Stonegate yard
+ Bobo Lobo
+ Kennedy's
Roman Bath
Three Cranes
Burn's Hotel
Around King's Square
The Cross Keys
+ The Golden Slipper
+ The Royal Oak
The Habit
Snickleback Inn
Old White Swan
The Golden Lion
The Duke of York
Last Drop
Ye Olde Shambles
Pavement Vaults
The Three Tuns
Golden Fleece
The Terrace
The Bluebell
The Hop
Fossgate Social
The towns and villages highlighted on this web site have a wide variety of pubs and beers in them. All of the places are great to visit, whether for a day or longer, and most have tourist attractions for all of the family.
There is a large variety of pubs throughout the different towns shown below. Some you may wish never to visit again but even discovering these can be interesting. There are pubs that you would not take your wife into. While some you could not take your girlfriend into. A few you would not take either into. However, most of the pubs are very pleasant.
HOME MAP of places visited
Alnwick Ambleside Anstruther Bakewell Bamburgh Barnard Castle Bath Berwick upon Tweed Birnam & Dunkeld Bourton on the Water Bowness on Windermere Bridge of Allan Chester Chichester Dunblane Dunoon Edinburgh Ely Fort William Glasgow Gourock Helensburgh Inverness Kelso Keswick Knaresbourgh Largs Linlithgow Lyme Regis Melrose Montrose Newton Stewart North Berwick Norwich Oban Pebbles Penzance Portree Pitlochry Quorn Richmond Rothesay St Andrews Seahouses Seend Shrewsbury Skipton Stirling Stratford-upon-Avon Stockton Heath Whitby Windemere Whitstable York
Other large places
Chester 5 trails Norwich 3 trails
Edinburgh 9 trails Whitby 4 trails
Glasgow 14 trails - including the famous Clockwork Orange or Glasgow Subway crawl
Who owns your pubs?
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Pub Quiz
What is the colour of peridot ?
Answer at foot of page
I certainly do not drink all the time. I have to sleep you know.
W C Fields
ANSWER: yellowish-green
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